Time: June 23, 2011 from 10am to 12pm
Location: Elmer's at Parkrose
Street: 10001 NE Sandy Blvd
City/Town: Portland, OR 97220
Phone: 360-513-9288, dougsheddy@msn.com
Event Type: planning
Organized By: SON & Doug Sheddy,
Latest Activity: Apr 14, 2013
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Are YOU Prepared to be the Answer? Do YOU have the Resources to handle the Harvest? (Listen)
America & our region is in a definite time of shaking! We are facing many questions such as an overdue earthquake hitting the west coast, economic meltdown on the horizion, and many other possible situations arising, including a full manifestion of God's Glory. The question is: what are we to do, what is the main thing God would say to us or is it just business as usual?
We know many have been praying about this and the Lord is giving some direction. We have asked Doug Sheddy (who is involved in the Cascadia Apostolic Coalition, as well as Director of the Oregon Alliance, represently the State of Oregon in USAR with Dutch Sheets) to speak about what God has put upon his heart.
Doug has sought the Lord diligently for several months for a word of wisdom and direction. Several weeks ago, the Lord reminded him of a vision He had given him over three years ago and then asked him a question, with a continuing statement. Our heart is to lay this out on the table for discussion (with some possible directions) and pray for confirmation.
If you have a heart for the Kingdom and the upcoming harvest, we invite you to prayerfully consider attending this meeting, it will be worth your investment!
We will gather between 9:30am-10am, wherein the meeting will start at 10am. You will be invited to order lunch around 11:30am.
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